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Do you know a new tool called “Get Email by name, surname and domain” has been published in our catalog?


What can I do with this tool?

If you use this tool you can discover an email by company website or domain and prospect’s firstname and lastname.

If the ‘verify’ method is selected, the tool checks multiple email variants in real-time, and returns a result depending on email server response. If the email is not verified, the ‘verify’ mode is applied immediately.

If the mode ‘guess’ is selected, the tool returns the email if present in our database or a guessed email variant by primary domain format. The ‘verify’ mode is applied by default

You can use our LinkedIn extension or other extraction tools to get the required data.

After using the tool you will enrich easily your data. If you want to know more about data enrichment, check our post How to treat your data(III): Completion.

  • This tool provides employee or company data. All european countries have restrictive emailing policies and you need an express recipient consent before using this data. Be responsible and follow GDPR rules!


Who can use this tool?

The tool “Email by name, surname and domain” is designed for:

  • ECommerce merchants
  • Developers
  • Data Scientists
  • Growth Hackers


What values do I need?

To use the tool “Email by name, surname and domain”, you need to have the following field/s in your file, database, form or application:

  • domain (required). Sample: killia.com|https://killia.com
  • firstname (required). Sample: Miquel
  • lastname (optional). Sample: Colomer
  • mode (required). Sample: verify|guess|only_verify


What fields can I get?

If you use the tool “Get Email by name, surname and domain” you will obtain next output fields:

  • email: Contains detected email
  • confidence: Contains result confidence where 'verified' is for reliable emails and 'risky' (found on internet or guessed) for aproximated emails
  • score: Contains result scoring, where 0 is not reliable and 99 very reliable (99: verified email, 80: email found on the internet, 75: email that exists or existed sometime before, 60: guessed email by primary email domain format, 45: guessed email in a catch-all domain, 25: guessed email using other formats)


Testing on the web catalog

If you browse our catalog, choose “I work on It area”:

Choose working area

You can find tool several ways from the catalog:

Writing “Email by name, surname and domain” or any of tool params (domain, firstname, lastname, mode) in search input, pushing enter and clicking on the tool

Search tool by word or name

Clicking on communication > Enrich > “Get Email by name, surname and domain” on “Category” view.

Navigate catalog to find tool

You can go to the tool page to test online for free.

After that, complete mandatory params on free test section and click on “test it”.

Complete mandatory params and test


Using the tool from web wizard

Web wizard allows processing any file (download sample template), database or cloud application using existing data tools.

You can download a sample file to process it with our web wizard.

Choose your preferred data source and go ahead.

Choose data source to process

You can get extended details about wizard at “title”.

Now, you can see a data preview of your source.

Review data preview provided

Choose field (domain, firstname, lastname, mode) or category (communication), action (enrich), tool “Get Email by name, surname and domain” and assign columns to parameters.

Choose field, acttion, tool and assign parameters

Add tool to view the estimated cost and process it

Add tool to estimate cost


Boosting data from Google Sheets

Before processing any data, check the next steps to get add-on working in your sheet:

  • One logged account is required. Multiple accounts cause permission errors in this add-on. Logout from all of them and use only one account with Google.
  • Install uProc for Sheets add-on from Google Apps marketplace with one connected account.
  • You have to be the owner of the sheet. If you are not the owner, you need Editor permissions to process data from the sheet.

Open panel “Add-ons” > “uProc for Sheets” and choose “I work on It area”.

Open Google Sheets extension

Select field (domain, firstname, lastname, mode), select tool “Get Email by name, surname and domain” and assign columns to parameters.

Choose field, tool and assign parameters

Ensure that your sheet has next headers: domain, firstname, lastname, mode

Review your headers

Check “My sheet has headers” and “Process data”.

Check headers checkbox

If your sheet has more than 200 rows, please use wizard instead.

Check our video tutorial about how to use this tool from Google Sheets:


Automating tool with Zapier

Zapier automates your business flow with any application you currently use in your workday.
Please, access to uProc integration to create zaps at Zapier.

To boost your flow, add a new uProc zap (you need to add your uProc account to Zapier)

Create a new uProc zap

Choose the group (communication), tool “Get Email by name, surname and domain” and assign values to “domain, firstname, lastname, mode” using data from other zaps or fixed values.

Choose group, tool and config parameters

Add more zaps to send data wherever you want.


Creating workflows with Integromat

Integromat is able to create business flows with any supported integration that you currently use in your workday.
Please, access to uProc integration to create Scenarios at Integromat.

Crear un nuevo Scenario con uProc

When you want to create the scenario, write uProc to locate the integration and add it to the scenario. Click on Continue to go to the scenario.

Choose “uProc” in the available list and click on module “Select a Tool” to add it to the scenario (you need to configure your uProc account).

Choose uProc module

Choose the group (communication), tool “Get Email by name, surname and domain” and assign values to “domain, firstname, lastname, mode” using data from other tasks or fixed values.

Choose group, tool and config parameters

You can add more modules to create complex Scenarios and send data wherever you want.


Creating workflows with n8n

n8n.io allows you to create complex business flows without limits or costs.

Follow the n8n installation instructions from quick guide to install n8n on your computer or server.

Look for “uProc” in the list of available integrations on the right. Click on uProc, and add the node to the scenario.

Choose node from uProc

Configure your credentials, specifying the email, and the real API key on the node.
Choose the group (communication), the “Get Email by name, surname and domain” tool and assign the values ​​to “domain, firstname, lastname, mode” using data from other tasks or fixed values.

Choose group, tool and parameters

Link uProc with the Start node. Now you can click on “Execute Workflow” to run the node.

Bind the uProc node with start

You can add more uProc or other service nodes to complicate your scenario.


Automating workflows with AppyPie

AppyPie automates your business flow with any application you currently use in your workday.
Please, access to uProc integration to create workflows at AppyPie.

First, click on “+ Create a connect” to create a new workflow and add the first step with another service (Google Sheets, Mailchimp, …).

Create another step and search for uProc integration (you will need to add your uProc account to AppyPie)

Create a new uProc step

Authenticate with uProc adding your email and API Key (real)

Authenticate with uProc

Choose the action “Select Tool” and the group (communication), tool “Get Email by name, surname and domain” and assign values to “domain, firstname, lastname, mode” using data from other zaps or fixed values.

Choose group, tool and config parameters

Add more steps to create a complex workflow and do what you need with your data.


Use tool by API

Go to tool page and click on “Show API information”.

Show API information

Choose your preferred language and method to process your data (one value, multiple values, or streams – files, databases, and cloud applications -).

Choose preferred programming language code

Copy generated API code to your environment and launch it.


How much does it cost?

This tool costs €10 if you process 1000 rows.

If you have a lot of rows to be processed you can check our discounts at Purchase section, completing the next data:

How many rows do you want to process?

Choose number of rows

Choose field (domain, firstname, lastname, mode) or category (communication), action (enrich) and “Get Email by name, surname and domain”.

Choose field, action and tool

Click on “Add tool” to generate budget

Add tool to view budget

You will see how much it costs processing your rows with “Get Email by name, surname and domain”.


That’s all folks

Thanks for reading this post and enjoy improving your data.

You can make uProc better. Share your thoughts with us to add new tools or improve any other aspect of the platform.

uProc team

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